Quantic Resonance

The Universal Resonance Law

the theory

Quantic Resonance is a novel framework that draws on the ancient SATOR palindrome (SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS) effectively instantiating the motto "OPERA TENET ROTAS" (The Grand Opera maintains the orbits), suggesting that orbital structures across all scales may be discretized through a self-resonance principle. This theory tries to unify gravitational physics, orbital quantization, and singularity-free cosmology, with a modified-gravity action capable of reproducing dark-matter–like effects on galactic scales and preventing infinite curvature in black holes and the early universe. 

The Equations of MASSIMO SOMMA consistently incorporate the SATOR principle, establishing a dimensionless link that spans micro, macro, and cosmic phenomena. The result is a unified theory where standard physics (quantum mechanics and continuous relativity) appear as limiting cases of an underlying discrete law of resonance. 

From the microscopic realm (ordinary quantum) through planetary orbits (macroscopic shells) to a potential cosmological bounce scenario (discrete FLRW) rather than a chaotic big bang, this single universal SATOR principle unifies the living fractal structures, planetary orbits, atomic shells, and cosmic expansions in one universal harmony. 

I offer this theory as a gift to humanity. May humankind show gratitude and embrace a philosophy of science inspired by the metaphysical and divine spiritual essence of the universe, which shines as the only true light into the undefined infinite, redefining the boundaries of impossibility.

